Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

10 Great Graphic Design Tutorial Sites!

Here are a collection of 10 graphic design tutorials sites that should just inspire you, and have you design some great work right away.

10 Great Graphic Design Tutorials Sites!
1. PSD TUTS – This is my favorite out of all the sites below. The tutorials are unbelievable, and should provide you with tons of inspiration.
2. Abduzeedo – This is a design blog with great tutorials, and tons of links to great work they find on the net.
3. Loon Design – Great tutorials in both illustrator and Photoshop.
4. Photoshop Star – Tutorial blog ran by a 17 year old.
5. The Photoshop Road Map – This site is like a best of site. I picks the best tutorials and links to them.
6. Photoshop Tutor – Nice tutorials.
7. Pixel Mana – Good tutorials and free resources.
8. Computer Arts – Computer Arts has a great graphic design magazine that is made in the UK. You can find them at Barnes & Noble in the US, but the cost $15 each. But the site lets you download some PDF’s of the tutorials you can find in there magazine.
9. Web Design Wall – Great site for design inspiration, design trends and tutorials.
10. Veerle – This is a popular design blog with tons of tips.
One More!! This one is web design tutorials
Net Tuts – From the makers of PSDTUTS.com. Great tips for web design. One of my favorites, and it just launched not to long ago.

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